ERA as registration entity for railway vehicles


9 representative bodies of the railway sector –AERRL, ALLRAIL, CER, EAL, EIM, ERFA, UIP, UIRR and UNIFE– endorsed a common position paper to express their support to the implementation of the centralised registration function as the European Vehicle Register (EVR) defined in the Commission Implementing Regulation 2018/1614 of 25 October 2018 and the corresponding transfer of the relevant data of registered vehicles from the National Vehicle Registers to the EVR.

With this statement, they outline how to pave the way to ERA becoming a registration entity with reflections on the free choice of registration entity (applicants should remain free to choose a national registration entity if preferred), coding of the countries in which the vehicles are registered and access rights.

AERRL, ALLRAIL, CER, EAL, EIM, ERFA, UIP, UIRR and UNIFE believe that it is crucial to involve the railway sector in defining the structure/software of the EVR tool to ease implementation of changes. 

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