Action plan 2021
Interoperability & Safety
Return of experience 4th RP : VAPOM (too long downtime for issuing a document) Re-homologation of locos due to current upgrades without BL3 upgrade not foreseen (no improvement of quality and safety for the next ~5 years!)
Development, governance and promotion of European corridor network
Competitivness & Innovation
Maintainability and obsolescence risk secured over at least 30 years after delivery
Improved competition on rolling stock maintenance market
Decarbonization and environment
EU support to innovation, promotion of Hybridation technologies and standards to prepare diesel swap. Including support to retrofit and investment to the benefit of an open access fueling network
More fluid, transparent and standardized management at European level of electricity billing
Standardization, fair competition, policy framework
Open standards organized under the ECM scheme for lean, safe, uniform and efficient operation
Concentration of public support on network access, signaling, energy supply, & charging, open access maintenance and fueling infrastructure, intermodal freight and passenger hubs, research, ETCS and Rolling stock upgrade and preventing subsidies to be directed to rolling stock procurement (TEN-T consultation)
ETCS ? Yes !
Pragmatic and realistic ETCS BL3 implementation, upgrade timeframe and content requirement (transition plan) – global deployment plan of plan with the aim to achieve 1 uniform variant across Europe.