Berlin, 25th of September 2024
Innotrans served as the background for a Joint declaration of the ERTMS Stakeholder platform Members and Observers.
The Members of the ERTMS Stakeholder Platform and the European Organisations of the Railway Sector express their renewed commitment to the ERTMS Program, welcoming the ambitious targets in the revised TEN-T Regulation, and their support to the central role of the EU ERTMS Coordinator.
Torsten Lehnert, AERRL Vice-Chair, signed the declaration on behalf of AERRL. He will represent AERRL in this platform as well as Rainer Beller.
The ERTMS Stakeholder Platform acts at the strategic and decision-making level to streamline overall coordination, to ensure an overall commitment, to define priority topics and to provide a general orientation to achieve progress on these topics.
AERRL undertakes to participate actively in this platform, with particular regard to harmonisation of requirements and standardization of equipment.
Happy to be on-board !